Publiceringsdatum: 2024-12-18
Funderar du på att söka jobb inom yrken med teknisk inriktning? Letar du efter en chans att arbeta som utvecklingsingenjör, maskin på RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB? Nu är det möjligt. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB söker efter en ny anställd på heltid under tills vidare som är redo att ta sin karriär till nästa nivå.
För detta jobb är Göteborg den angivna tjänsteorten. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB har just nu ett ledigt jobb som utvecklingsingenjör, maskin. Har du vad som krävs för att arbeta som utvecklingsingenjör, maskin hos RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB? Ansök innan söndag den nittonde januari 2025 och ta reda på det!
Are you looking for a new challenge in the realm of mechanical engineering? Do you have a curious and creative mind, eager to learn and to find new solutions across disciplines? Then RISE has an interesting job for you!
We offer you an attractive workplace at a truly polytechnic research institute.
Our department has one of the largest experimental mechanics facilities in Sweden for R&D and commercial assignments related to material characterization, mechanical reliability, structural mechanics, and standardized testing.
The scientific expertise in our unit Mechanical Research and Innovation in Borås and Göteborg ranges from mechanical reliability, characterization of material properties and quality assurance of simulation models, to rock and soil mechanics, and large structures in steel and concrete.
We are now looking for a researcher to join our team in Gothenburg.
You will work with the conception, planning and execution of a wide range of research and development projects, as well as contributing with your expertise in industrial consultancy projects.
You will be part of the team around at least one of our two research areas: Mechanics and Reliability that is focused on material characterization, mechanical reliability and life evaluation, validation methodology and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ); Building and Infrastructure that is focused on concrete and steel structures, rock mechanics, monitoring and assessment of existing structures. Your focus will be mechanical reliability in industrial applications, including fatigue, statistical modelling and reliability of mechanical systems, material properties, numerical modelling and uncertainty quantification.
You are expected to take initiative and individual responsibility for the tasks at hand, but you are also part of a team, in close collaboration with your colleagues, including our experienced engineers and technicians in the lab. You will work closely with external project partners and industrial clients, as well as with colleagues in other parts of RISE.
The placement for this position is Gothenburg.
You have a PhD in mechanical engineering or related areas, such as engineering physics or applied mathematics & statistics. Expertise in solid and structural mechanics is required, including numerical modelling skills. Experience in applying machine learning methods to mechanical applications and previous industrial experience are meritorious.
As a person you are well organized and have an interest in creating new business and projects, but also an ability to develop existing ones. You are open to collaboration and enjoy working in and contributing to a team, but you are also comfortable working independently. You bring energy to the team and contribute actively to the development of a stimulating research environment.
You have excellent communication skills in English, preferably also in Swedish.
At RISE, we want you to succeed and feel good! Together with your colleagues you contribute to a sustainable future and to securing a leading position for Swedish industry and research globally. You will work in a dynamic environment that gives you development opportunities both professionally and personally. We can't promise you an easy job, but we can offer you many committed and enthusiastic colleagues and some exciting industrial and societal challenges.
Do you want to be a part of the future? Welcome to RISE.
The closing date for applications is January 19, 2025. Interviews may be conducted throughout the application period. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Ola Widlund, Unit Director, +46-(0)10-516 50 17
Our union representatives are Linda Ikatti, Unionen, 010-5165161 and Ingemar Petermann, SACO, 010-2284122.
Antal tjänster | 1 |
Arbetstid | Heltid |
Företagsnamn | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB |
Lön | Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön |
Omfattning | Tills vidare |
Organisationsnummer | 5564646874 |
Typ av anställning | Vanlig anställning |
Yrke | Utvecklingsingenjör, maskin |
Yrkesområde | Yrken med teknisk inriktning |
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB söker en person till denna tjänst som utvecklingsingenjör, maskin med placerings i Göteborg. Om det låter intressant att arbeta som utvecklingsingenjör, maskin hos RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB skickar du in din ansökan senast 2025-01-19.
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