Summer Worker in Automation team

Publiceringsdatum: 2025-02-28

Skulle du vilja jobba inom yrken med teknisk inriktning? Ett spännande jobb som forskningsingenjör, el-tele hos Lunds Universitet väntar på dig - varför inte söka idag? Om du vill arbeta heltid hos Lunds Universitet, har de just nu en tjänst 3 månader – upp till 6 månader som kan passa dig.

Denna tjänst finns tillgänglig i Lund som är tjänsteorten. Lunds Universitet söker efter fler duktiga individer som vill arbeta som forskningsingenjör, el-tele. De har just nu ett ledigt jobb som forskningsingenjör, el-tele som kan vara av intresse för dig. Sista ansökningsdagen till jobbet som forskningsingenjör, el-tele hos Lunds Universitet är söndag den tjugotredje mars 2025.


Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top universities. The University has around 47 000 students and more than 8 800 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset.

Your team

In the Automation team, we work with producing electrical schematics, functional documentation, and software integration for all equipment within the Lab.

Supporting the research community in building and integrating their equipment to the facility, with focus on keeping people and machines safe.   

Would you like to work at one of the brightest lightsources in the world?

MAX IV is looking for a summer worker with an interest and talent for automation.  

Your main work tasks will be

  • Bulk programming of Rockwell ControlLogix plc, adding the same code to a large number on plc:s
  • Adding corresponding code and screens in our HMI using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript

 If time permits

  • Setting up a logging system using OPC-UA and TimescaleDB
  • Implementing code and screen in our HMI HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and HighCharts to visualize the logged data
  • Investigate using the logged data for some kind of machine learning, preventive maintenance
  • Investigate opensource notification service that has Javascript support to be able to send alarm notifications from our HMI
  • Migrate our PLC code repository from Rockwell AssetCentre to GitLab

To be successful in this role you need to have the following qualifications

  • Following a university curriculum
  • High school level, computer knowledge, technical interest.
  • Experience in high level programming languages

Below are seen as merits

  • Experience in plc programming
  • Experience in Javascript
  • Experience in time series databases
  • Experience in GIT

As a person you are a team player, communicative and collaborative, curious and eager to learn. You must be minimum 18 years old and fluent in English.

What we offer

When you join our MAX IV team, you step into a world of front edge science. We make the invisible visible by supporting scientist from all over the world, generating scientific results for the benefit of society. We offer you a multicultural work environment with great opportunities for personal development with respect for a healthy work-life balance.

Would you like to work in a challenging and supporting environment? Then join us and take the opportunity to make a real difference!

For further information, please visit:

MAX IV is a Swedish national large-scale research infrastructure hosted by Lund University. It provides scientists from Sweden and abroad, with intense x-rays and state-of-the-art instrumentation for research in areas such as engineering, physics, structural biology, chemistry and nanotechnology. Its 16 beamlines receive up to 2 000 scientists annually, conducting ground-breaking experiments in materials and life sciences using the brilliant X-rays.

We kindly decline all sales and marketing contacts.

Om jobbet

Antal tjänster1
FöretagsnamnLunds Universitet
LönFast månads- vecko- eller timlön
Omfattning3 månader – upp till 6 månader
Typ av anställningVanlig anställning
YrkeForskningsingenjör, el-tele
YrkesområdeYrken med teknisk inriktning


Lunds Universitet söker en person till denna tjänst som forskningsingenjör, el-tele med placerings i Lund. Om det låter intressant att arbeta som forskningsingenjör, el-tele hos Lunds Universitet skickar du in din ansökan senast 2025-03-23.

Källa: Arbetsförmedlingen

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