Wireless Test and Certification Engineer

Publiceringsdatum: 2024-12-11

Söker du efter ett jobb inom yrken med teknisk inriktning-sektorn? En möjlighet har öppnat upp för dig att börja arbeta som civilingenjör, kvalitet, elektronik hos TÜV SÜD Sverige AB. Intresserade sökes för heltid-jobb hos TÜV SÜD Sverige AB - är du intresserad? De letar efter någon som vill jobba tills vidare.

Arbetsplatsen ligger nära tillhands om du är bosatta i Stockholm som är tjänsteorten. Om du tycker att det låter intressant att börja jobba hos TÜV SÜD Sverige AB i rollen som civilingenjör, kvalitet, elektronik så har de just nu en ledig tjänst som skulle kunna vara en perfekt match för dig! Har du vad som krävs för att arbeta som civilingenjör, kvalitet, elektronik hos TÜV SÜD Sverige AB? Ansök innan tisdag den trettioförsta december 2024 och ta reda på det!



Working as part of a team of Wireless Test Engineers, you will contribute to the provision of a Wireless testing service, specifically performing RF (Radio Frequency) testing on a large variety of IoT Wireless technologies such as cellular (GSM / W-CDMA / LTE / 5G NR). Role is full time laboratory/office based.

Duties and Responsibilities

• As a Test Engineer you are responsible for carrying out tests and reporting test results in the field of all kinds of electrical and electronic equipment, installations and systems of electrical safety of equipment according to relevant standards and regulations.

• Conduct Approval testing of cellular base station equipment various test standards the most common being ETSI and 3GPP standards.

• Control and monitor the test equipment calibration status during testing.

• Ensure that all work is carried out in accordance with the test plan (TID) supplied by the manufacturer, or the quotation as applicable; helping to develop and refine test plans in close liaison with the customer.

• Testing of wireless products to various test standards (the most common being ETSI and FCC) both within the wireless test labs.

• Ensure that all work is carried out in accordance with the applicable regulatory requirements or defined test plan supplied by the customer.

Essential Requirements

Education and training:

University Degree qualified, Masters Level minimum, in the field Wireless communication or related RF/Electronics field.

ISO17025 training


· 3-4 years experience in Type Approval testing on RF Radio Basestation products.

· 3-4 years experience of performing type approval testing under an ISO 17025 laboratory accreditation.

· Expert user of RF test equipment such as spectrum/network analyser, oscilloscope, signal generator, RF power meter etc.

· Extensive experience/knowledge of analogue and digital communications technologies

· Competences and awareness of 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards specifically RAN.

· Awareness of regional and international regulatory organizations dealing with commercial/licensed Broadbands and Mobile telecommunication Specifically, ETSI, ISED and FCC standardization


English: Fully fluent business level proficiency

Swedish: Basic, conversational proficiency

Om jobbet

Antal tjänster1
FöretagsnamnTÜV SÜD Sverige AB
LönFast månads- vecko- eller timlön
OmfattningTills vidare
Typ av anställningVanlig anställning
YrkeCivilingenjör, kvalitet, elektronik
YrkesområdeYrken med teknisk inriktning


TÜV SÜD Sverige AB söker en person till denna tjänst som civilingenjör, kvalitet, elektronik med placerings i Stockholm. Om det låter intressant att arbeta som civilingenjör, kvalitet, elektronik hos TÜV SÜD Sverige AB skickar du in din ansökan senast 2024-12-31.

Källa: Arbetsförmedlingen

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